Rudbeckia Hirta “Cherry Brandy” Flower Seed
Rudbeckia Hirta “Cherry Brandy” Flower Seed
The sister of the popular Rudbeckia Sahara, very nice to combine with it. This Cherry Brandy gives you dark flowers, deep wine red. Looks like velvet, so pretty!
This special cut flower likes a warm, somewhat drier spot. Warm summers are ideal. You can also grow them in pots on your patio or balcony.
Height 50 to 60 cm
Semi-hardy annuals - Sow sheltered from mid to late February. Do not cover the seed as it needs light to germinate. Simply placing it on the soil in your sowing tray is therefore sufficient. Be sparing with water, the seeds do not like moisture.
Flowering period: July - October
Location: full sun
Content: +/- 40 seeds
Nog te vroeg om te zaaien, maar ik kijk ernaar uit om deze terug in de tuin te hebben. Volgend zaaiseizoen tijd voor een ander intenser kleurtje naast de Hirta Sahara.
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