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Antirrhinum Majus - Snapdragon "Madame Butterfly Bronze with white "

Antirrhinum Majus - Snapdragon "Madame Butterfly Bronze with white "

Antirrhinum majus “Madamme Butterfly Bronze with white" - looks very similar to the Bronze but this one is lighter with a white touch.

This variety of Snapdragons is known for its double flowers. In terms of shelf life, it is just a little better than the "open" varieties because pollination is a little more difficult.

Height 75 cm

Minimum 30 seeds/pack. Be careful, this seed is as small as dust. So be very careful when sowing. Do not cover snapdragon seeds, they need light to germinate.

If you want the long stems of this snapdragon, sow them in an unheated greenhouse in the fall and plant them out in the spring.

Or sow them from February for flowering a little later in the season. Snapdragons germinate at an ideal temperature of 21°C -24°c between 7 and 14 days.

Hardy to -5 degrees frost
Full sun

Regular price €3,81 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3,81 EUR
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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sigrid V.C.

Antirrhinum Majus - Leeuwebek "Madame Butterfly Bronze with white "

marjan m.
winterharde eenjarigen

Snel geleverd met persoonlijke toets, en de zaden kiemen al!

Rikie V.B.

Hoi , de zaadjes gezaaid en de Leeuwebekjes al verspeend . De rudbeckia komt net boven gepiept. Dus heel benieuwd naar de bloei hiervan.
Bedankt voor de fijne levering.

Liesbeth D.P.

Heel vlotte communicatie en levering. Intussen de helft van de zaadjes voorgezaaid en na exact een week heb ik reeds 14/15 kiemers! De kiemkracht is dus fantastisch, iets wat ik eerder al had ondervonden met zaden van Chrisje. Nu is het aftellen en uitkijken naar de bloemenpracht!

Lucia T.

Antirrhinum Majus - Leeuwebek "Madame Butterfly Bronze with white "

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